G'day! Welcome to mauiakai.com (formally ecohaus.tas/ecohaus.co)
We’re on to our next adventure in Hawaii... (We made it to Maui! More soon…)
Welcome to our website journaling the build of our eco-friendly and sustainable property in Franklin, Tasmania, Australia (click for a quick trip). After spending 2 years volunteering on various straw bale projects (Airstream Travels) in the USA, Graham and Troy decided to move to Franklin, Tasmania and practice lessons learnt through our travels.

Life changes are in the wind, and another adventure begins...
Check here for the latest scoop!
Koonya Rammed Earth
Graham has been busy the past year and one of his owner-builder clients is nearing completion of a rammed earth house he designed. It's a stunning design example of a small sustainable residential building in Koonya on the Tasman peninsula. Check out their website Casa Enbiar!
Indiana Jones of Acewild GSP
It's been over almost 2 years since an update and we added a new member to the family! Meet "Indy"! Our German shorthaired pointer with dark chocolate liver long hair from a recessive gene. He's great fun and the centre of most of our attention.
Top Bar Beehives
Issue 18 Green Magazine contains an article In Praise of Bees about beekeeping - in particular about top bar beehives and their advantages over traditional hives. This sparked my interest, since bees are doing it bad with all the human intervention in natural eco-systems. So, I built one using the golden mean beehive plan! Maybe you will too...